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Yellow Tail Merlot

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On a recent Saturday evening, I had a Yellow Tail Merlot, which comes to us from Australia. I was pretty happy with it. Though I didn't think it great, it was tasty, interesting, and inexpensive.

"Fruity," is the word that immediately comes to mind with the first taste. The word doesn't go away after the second taste, either. After some attempts to identify the fruit (two of us guessed that we were tasting plum), someone finally proposed that blackberries were involved.

As the taste moves toward the finish, the wine's "spicy" side becomes more evident. After some time trying the wine and attempting to describe it, we looked at the label, particularly that "cheat sheet" which helps novice tasters to get a sense of what it is that they're experiencing. The cheat sheet confirmed that "berries" were the dominant flavor, though no more specific information was included.

We had salmon for dinner with the wine. Overall, I was happy with the pairing. I enjoyed the evening and the wine certainly helped that along. Having said that, though, I think it fair to say that the wine didn't especially stand out; it was certainly adequate but not among my favorite Merlots. But at rough $7 for a bottle, it is a good deal, and well worth a try.

Created by cmcurtin
This article originally appeared on Sunshine Poultry.
Last modified 2004-08-24 12:28 PM

Yellow Tail Merlot

Posted by kat_hawk at 2006-08-02 05:51 PM
you can get it at Cost Plus World Market


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