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Yes You Can!

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A few weeks ago, I had the most bizarre dream. I'm not sure what Freud would make of this.

I was a guest at an outdoor party held on the grounds of a large estate. As I made my way through the crowd, exchanging greetings with other guests, I heard an unfamiliar voice ask, “Can I?” I didn't think that the question was directed to me and as there were so many guests that I didn't know, it never occurred to me to look around in response to the query from an unknown voice.

I moved closer to the bar until finally the voice grew more insistent and I stood face to face with someone obviously employed to ensure the guests' comfort. He asked again and for reasons unknown, I then parsed the question differently: “Canei?”

“Certainly not,” said I. “Single-malt Scotch.”

Created by cmcurtin
Last modified 2007-12-16 10:07 PM
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