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Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais-Villages

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"Try the Beaujolais! It's richer! And fruitier!" --Cosmo Kramer, Seinfeld

Georges Duboeuf is the king of Beaujolais for a reason. His ability to spot a good wine and his marketing genius are the subjects of many an article. Most importantly, though, his wines are good and inexpensive.

Beaujolais-Villages is a simple, fruity red wine from the Beaujolais region of France, produced from the Gamay grape. Nicely drinkable, easy to pair with pretty much anything (I had it with pizza), this is a fun wine that proves not every wine coming from France is for the snooty. Although Beaujolais-Villages works at room temperature, it is traditionally served cooler than other reds, chilled to fifty-two degrees Fahrenheit. Its aroma is of ripe berries with a hint of something else, something floral (violet?).

I picked up a bottle from a local wine store for something like $8 and I have seen bottles online for as little as $6.

Created by cmcurtin
Last modified 2004-11-13 04:57 PM
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