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Dinner in Eagle

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When on a trip to Colorado last year, Niki and I stayed with some friends and were able to go to a restaurant in Eagle, for what must be a uniquely American experience.

Having done some work as a computer expert in the use of electronic evidence in criminal defense, I was invited to deliver a lecture on the topic for the Colorado Bar Association. This past April, I was in Denver for the occasion; my wife Niki joined me on the trip.

Some friends of ours from Columbus moved some years back to Colorado. On Saturday morning, Niki and I had breakfast and checked out of the hotel, moving our stuff into Angie's car and after lunch in Denver headed back to Gypsum, where she lives with her husband Tim and two children.

After getting settled and being joined by another family, we headed to dinner in nearby Eagle. The place was called “Pastatively” at 94 Market St. Shortly after our arrival, I encountered an extraordinary claim: “Voted the best East Coast Italian restaurant this side of the Mississippi.” I got the idea that I was going to like the place.

The restaurant is small, with room for perhaps thirty diners. Another five could fit at the small bar. While roomy enough for a couple to enjoy a relatively intimate dining experience, the somewhat tight quarters help to encourage interaction among parties that might be feeling more outgoing. Our hosts' neighbors were there and after introductions were made, it occurred to me that in a relatively sparsely-populated area like Eagle, a good restaurant could easily become a favorite and do a brisk business with people who all know each other.

Red and white checked tablecloths helped to reinforce the picture of an Italian restaurant that formed around the pasta-heavy menu. (And good pasta!) Music, however, drifted well beyond the bounds of Italy, deep into Texas to bring us the talent of Stevie Ray Vaughn (who left us far too soon). The wine came from another continent entirely, South America, and the country of Venezuela. Life is good in the twenty-first century, when we can incorporate elements from all over the world while we enjoy a meal with friends.

After our server, Lisa, helped us to navigate the menu, she took our order for Tinto Fundacion Mendoza Malbec (2002). The wine was a delight: inexpensive but quite good. Good spice on the nose, medium to heavy body, lots of fruit, and with a lovely way of melting away on the finish. It paired very well with the pasta.

Dessert followed and we returned to the house, where we had a few more hours' company as the evening overtook us. It was a quick stop: we'd be back to Denver for a flight home the following day, but a stop I'm glad we made.

Created by cmcurtin
Last modified 2007-02-18 10:34 PM
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