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The Coop

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Going to see the last day game to be held at Cooper Stadium (“The Coop”).

As the final game ever to be played in Cooper Stadium approaches, many of us are giving attention to the history of the stadium and professional baseball in Columbus. On Thursday, July 24, 2008, an important milestone passed: the last day game ever to be played in the stadium.

The demands of clients with short deadlines prevented my associate and me from arriving on time for the opening of the game at 12:05 p.m., though we were successful in arriving shortly thereafter. The Coop was quite full, in fact, with lines much longer than we might encounter normally at a day game. Perhaps more than a few of us felt the need to take part in a bit of history.

Watching a minor league baseball game is a tremendous pleasure, a chance to stop and to enjoy a few hours of recreation. While there, I watched our home team get beaten pretty badly by the Pawtucket Red Sox while eating two all-beef hot dogs (only $4 apiece, such a deal!), peanuts, and some sort of partially-gelatinated dessert product served in a commemorative plastic miniature Washington Nationals helmet.

We are of course going to be happy for the new stadium, Huntington Park, in downtown Columbus. The location of the Huntington Park will be better, quite remarkably accessible from the office, an easy walk of perhaps ten minutes. Nevertheless, it was good to get in to make another memory of the last day game at the Coop.

Created by cmcurtin
Last modified 2008-07-26 08:51 PM
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