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Flagler Avenue Coffee & News Cafe

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My annual trip to New Smyrna Beach, Florida brings with it an annual battle with the telecommunications infrastructure to find legitimate Internet access. This year, an easy solution was found and it would seem that the tradition might be due for an overhaul.

Coffee shops are a wonderful thing. Not can one find a not only a proper cup of coffee but everything from discussion about the affairs of the world to entertainment from local talent. In my case, I was looking for good Internet access by the beach. Is that too much to ask? Apparently the good people of Flagler Avenue Coffee & News Cafe don't think so and for that I'm grateful. (“I'm grateful for the Earth. I'm grateful for the sky.” I'm grateful for espresso. I'm grateful for IP.)

Flagler Avenue is a (the?) main drag in New Smyrna Beach that will actually get you down to the beach. Surf shops, motels, small cafes and sandwich shops, an ice cream stand, and all of the kinds of establishments that you'd expect to find line the streets. Perhaps five years ago, a serious effort was undertaken to upgrade the look of the street, replacing the boring concrete sidewalks with brick and generally sprucing up the place. It's an attractive stretch of road now and friendly for pedestrian traffic, but it has not given up its look that is well, uniquely Florida: the buildings are still pink and there is a shuffleboard park.

In a small series of shops next to a motel sits the Flagler Avenue Coffee & News Cafe. A television shows CNN, airport-style. Newspapers sit waiting for patrons' perusal on a coffee table by the couch inside. Niki got a cappuccino and some interesting chocolate-covered pretzel snack; I opted for my usual double espresso and some nondescript pastry thing. My brother Mike and I talked about everything else on the menu and I can't remember what he ended up getting. We found a little table outside. Niki and Mike went to work on a crossword puzzle and I used the free wireless Internet access to get synchronized with the world outside in view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Should you find yourself in New Smyrna Beach and in need of a coffee and some time connecting to the outside world, I'd recommend a visit to the Flagler Avenue Coffee & News Cafe.

Created by cmcurtin
Last modified 2006-01-02 01:01 PM
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