Hotel Columbus?
That's how the server at Mitchell's Steak House opened after
introducing himself to Niki and me. It was about half after six
in the evening on Friday, March 7, 2008, and a major winter
storm was blowing into town. Apparently all flights out of
Columbus were canceled until at least nine-thirty that
evening and even that seemed optimistic.
Working downtown and then walking over to the restaurant, what we saw of the storm so far didn't seem so bad. Of course, things were much more interesting when the rest of the storm blew into town. The picture nearby was the view out of the front of our house on Saturday morning. By the time it was over, we had about two feet of snow on the ground and several drifts around the house and garage that were considerably deeper. We were actually snowed in, unable to go anywhere until Sunday afternoon.
Back on Friday evening, our server's question was reasonable enough. I just couldn't help but chuckle because as he asked it, the restaurant was playing the Eagles' Hotel California. Welcome to Columbus. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.