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Columbus Tech Blog

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A new blog on the topic of technology in Columbus.

A few weeks back, I got email from Ben Blanquera about a blog that he was starting to get people talking about technology and its uses in central Ohio. This is the sort of thing that I've been thinking would make a lot of sense to do—there are quite a few people in Columbus who are actively working with technology who have little or no visibility into the local tech scene.

TechColumbus does a reasonable job of connecting the entrepreneur community but in truth, TechColumbus is really more about the business of technology than about technology itself. As for the tech part of tech business—well, there we've got some opportunity to create something new that can engage those folks in a meaningful way.

After Ben and I traded email and spoke by phone a few times to coordinate our efforts, he added me as a contributor to the blog, something that I've committed to do for the period of one year. Hopefully in that time, we'll manage to build some readership and also to get some more active contributors so that the blog can take on a life of its own beyond the group that got it running in the first place.

Readers of Ergo Sum might be inclined to ask what the relationship is between Columbus Tech and Ergo Sum since I'm writing in both places. The answer is that each has a very different target, so when I'm writing about technology (especially as it relates to geography), I'll post that to Columbus Tech and all of the usual Ergo Sum-related content will appear here.

Created by cmcurtin
Last modified 2008-04-06 11:33 PM

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